Chapter 4 Blog

Chapter 4 Blog:

    When it comes to networking in a specific field, it is important to consider building a collaborative culture with everyone involved in a workspace. So, what does having a collaborative culture mean? It consists of everyone having an equal part in communication and everyone reaching out to each other at different times, instead of a boss or the same person every time in order to get everyone's thoughts and opinions on something being discussed. 
    Within collaborative culture, comes congeniality. Congeniality is being friendly and supportive of others, which can open doors for stronger relationships in any situation, but especially in workspaces. It helps us share our common beliefs and allows us to learn from each other. An important part of congeniality is building trust, whether it is more of a bond that occurs face-to-face or online. Online, we can build congenial relationships by interacting through videos, photos, and other forms of media. For example within work, building trust can include many things, such as being able to share information with others, or even relying on someone to complete a certain task and making sure they are contributing to their part. However, the more people in a workspace get to know each other on a deeper level (but at the same time keeping it professional and confidential), the easier it is to be more genuine while working and performing tasks, or making consecutive decisions together as a team. 



  1. Hello Alanna, I agree with you when you explained that networking in any field is very important to build a collaborative culture and trust one another. Making sure everyone is equally working together with one another and the work is spread evenly through one another. There are many ways in which you explained that we can all collaborate, even online. You did a really good job explaining about collaborative culture and how important it is in the work environment.

  2. I really liked how you mentioned it is important to get to know each other on a deeper level in the workplace, but to keep in mind it should be professional. It is important not to cross boundaries when building relationships in the workplace. When you overshare details about yourself in the workplace that can come off as unprofessional or inappropriate, so it is important to be mindful of information you do share.

  3. I 100% agree with having to have trust and bonds with one another. Getting to know the people you work with, whether that be a job, activity or a sport is always very crucial to what the outcome may be. If communication is bad between everyone then like you said everyone's parts could potentially be messed up and this can effect everyone not only that person or yourself. Teamwork is also huge when it comes to working around many people and I like how to incorporated that!


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